Tetiana (Cuteariel7) and Veronika (_niksssis_) streaming together

As djrecoba2007 continues to be in Tetiana's room despite of all our recommendations, we will continue to upload in public Tetiana's videos. This time, the first part when she is with her "best friend" Veronika, who suddenly resigned after this stream. We unfortunately noticed that all the best friends of Tetiana (Nastya / lucky_liza, Anna / heyroxi, Veronika / _niksssis_, Nataliia / emmacherry7) will resign a few time after streaming with her... Tetiana, are you sure that you are the best friend of the world? So please stop streaming with our models, leave them alone, stop cheating on them, lie to them, otherwise you will be forced to resign yourself: we cannot stand anymore to see all models leaving because of you and djrecoba2007!